Hillsborough, New Hampshire Cemeteries

Interments In 19 Municipal Cemeteries From 1788 Through September 2018

Search the Hillsborough Cemetery Database

Thank you for visiting this website of the 19 Municipal Cemeteries and Gravesites of Hillsborough, New Hampshire. I hope you find this website interesting and informative. The information contained here is derived starting from the records in the form of index cards and a simple database kept by the Town of Hillsborough, then by actually verifying the information at the cemetery site and inscriptions on the headstones (markers). The database is updated through September, 2018. Private cemeteries and gravesites are not included.

Some of the information under notes may be an abbreviation, some will reference a daughter, son, husband or wife who may or may not be in the same cemetery. The entries under Notes come from inscriptions on the headstones or as shown in the cemetery records. Some headstones are more descriptive than others or are difficult to read or are missing.

Years ago many grave plots were laid out with a headstone and footstone. You will see many footstones at the Hillsborough Center Cemetery. The footstones usually had only brief information such as initials, year of death or at most the name. The footstones are often resting at the back of the headstone.

All grave sites are identified in the town records by plot numbers that can be obtained at the Town Office if the exact location of the grave is needed within each cemetery.

If you are interested in genealogy, local history or just like to explore, feel free to browse through the many cemeteries and gravesites in Hillsborough. But remember many of the older cemeteries have very fragile headstones and are in need of repairs. Please look but do not touch these headstones. Take all the photos you want. Let us all help to preserve and maintain these historical places.

It appears that the oldest grave, noting the headstone, is of Samuel Symonds, buried at the Bible Hill Cemetery in 1788.

You can search by surname, cemetery name or list all names alphabetically. Searches are not case sensitive and wild card search is automatic. For example, you can search for all individuals with the same or similar surname by entering the surname as a search term.

Information on this site was originally researched by Richard Baldwin of Hillsborough, NH. The site is now maintained by Richard Booth of Bradenton, Florida, for those who may be interested in genealogy, however there will be no further data updates.
A helpful reference source used in putting this web site together has been "Town of Hillsborough N. H. 1735 - 1921 by G. Waldo Browne, Volume 1 and Volume 2".
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